Friday, June 29, 2012

Module 2 Blog Post

Mobile applications have changed the way many people use the internet. They allow us to easily access our preferred websites with one simple click on our phone or Ipads. This technology will begin to replace opening a web browser and spending a few minutes typing in your desired location.

Applications allow people to have easier access to games, websites, bank accounts without having to browse the internet.
This technology replaced the wasted time browsing on the internet. You are able to access the site with one click of a button.
The technology that this retrieved is the use of web browsing.
The mobile applications may cause web browsing to decrease.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Module 1- Blog Responses

I never saw my assigned group so I just responded to some of the blogs of the people that responded to me. I responded to..

Cecil Mittoo
Vida Martin
Tracy Snow

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Module 1
June 13, 2012

The Smart table is a current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning in my school system. The Smart table is an interactive learning center that allows up to six students to work collaboratively on an activity that the teacher downloads onto the device. I recently received this resource last year and my students absolutely loved it. It makes learning fun and interactive. The teacher is able to download activities that align with the current content being taught.

However, there are some challenges when it comes to using this device. Currently, there are not that many activities that align with the concepts being taught in the classroom. The activities that do exist are not always the most entertaining for the students. There is a software that you can purchase where you can create your own activities but my school system did not purchase this.

Also, this table is much more sensitive than they lead you to believe. It shuts off randomly and sometimes will not come back on for a day or two.

The societal need that this resource meets is that it provides an interactive collaborative technological resource that makes students think that they are just playing games when in fact they are learning from it. When functioning correctly it is a great resource to have in the classroom and works well with all elementary students.

If I had the software where I could create my own activities this resource would be even more valuable to me. Something that would make this technology even better would be a way that the students could choose what concept they want to work on versus being stuck on the same concept and same four games.

Here is a good video about it.

Here is the company's website.