Sunday, August 12, 2012

Module 5 Responses

I responded to

Tim Weaver


Keith Klien

Module 5 Post

When I was looking for a movie based on a Phillip K. Dick book I viewed it digitally through Net Flix. There is beginning to become more and more competition between dvd's and video on demand. It is actually beginning to make dvd's obsolete. Thornburg (2009) described increasing returns as, two innovations hitting the market at about the same time and by chance one technology gets locked in, and the other technology becomes extinct. 

Thornburg (2009) defined Red Queens as huge competition between two strong technologies in the process and all other competitors are left behind these two technologies. Thornburg stated that Lewis Carol reviewed the Red Queens as Alice in Wonderland who has looked through the glass and ran as fast as she can. He said that Red Queens are a competitive force that drives emerging technologies. 

I believe that DVD's and video on demand are in the enhancing and obsolescing quadrants of McLuhan’s tetrad. Both sources make it easily accessible to viewers


Chapin, R (1999). History of DVD. Retrieved on August 8, 2012 from
Laureate Education, Inc., (Executive Producer). (2009a). Increasing returns [Video webcast]. Retrieved on August 8, 2012 from
Laureate Education, Inc., (Executive Producer). (2009b). Red Queens [Video webcast]. Retrieved on August 8, 2012 from

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